Our church was founded by an American missionary named William Northrup and his Family between the years 1951-1953.
William came with his family in 1951 obeying a call from the Lord to work in the mission field, he was part of a ministry called Bethel Missions, he came from a Church in Texas, where he owned an aviation company with the rest of his family. He left the family business to dedicate himself to serving the King of Kings.
He came to Cuba in his private plane (of which the propeller is still preserved in our Church), he went to the town of Camajuaní and rented an old cockfighting arena, where he began to hold services. The congregation grew and needed a larger location. The church began a construction project to build a new building. It was completed in March 1953 and was dedicated on March 31, 1953.
Understanding the need for workers in our country, he brought many missionary families from the United States and Canada, such as the Eran family, who founded the Church of Cifuentes, his son Paul along with Ruth his wife founded the Church of Sancti Spíritus, the Casteels family, founded the Church in Remedios, also, the Coppersmith family, Taylors and many other missionaries came and ministered in Cuba.
After the Northrup family, the Taylors stayed as pastors of our Church, being forced, by the Communist Government, to leave the country in 1960. They were followed in the pastoral role by Julián Tolón, Gilberto Pérez del Río, Rafael Rodríguez, Alejandro Ruz, Ester Ferrer , Rodolfo de la Torre and the current pastor Fernando Rodríguez, in that order.
In the 60’s the Government banned churches from being independent organizations. As a result, the church at Camajuani became a member of the Council of Buenas Nuevas Churches, which had Pentecostal beliefs, and adopted their by-laws and constitution as way to operate the church and meet the Government’s demand. We operated under their guidance and practice until the 90’s. In the 90’s we began receiving visits from pastors of different Calvary Chapel ministries. As we were introduced to the Calvary Chapel Distinctives’ we understood the need to teach the Bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter using the full counsel of God and to begin focusing on our need to do missionary work, within our “Jerusalem” and to the “utter most parts of the world”. We have been serving as a Calvary church since 1993 when we received training from pastors from Calvary Chapel Alpine, Pastor Drew McIntyre, who came to Cuba to teach IBS. We have been teaching the Bible using the Calvary Distinctives since then verse by verse. In 2005 during a Pastors conference in Havana we met pastor Jeff Johnson and other pastors from CC Downey. We began working together in the preparation of an annual pastor conference here in Camajuani, every February, to minister to and train pastors all around Cuba to serve the Lord by teaching thru the whole Bible using Sound Doctrine and the Calvary Distinctives. At the same time we started a Bible College to train our future pastors and church leaders in Cuba. We currently, 2020, have 95 students in our Bible College and School of Ministry preparing to serve the Lord as pastors and serve as members of their local churches. All this is only possible because the Lord as blessed us with many partners from other Calvary Chapel Churches in Fort Lauderdale, Downey, Mérida Centro, Houston, Boca Raton, and West Houston. From just one church, CC Camajuani, we have planted more than 25 churches up to 2020 and are still planning to plant more churches as Pastors are trained in our Bible College and School of Ministry. CC Camajuani has about 100 families that worship and serve in the church and community. Our church has full services throughout the week with services on Sunday, mid-week bible study/prayer meetings, youth and children ministries and visiting the ill and home bond people. Please pray that the Lord will guide us in our efforts in ministering to our members and community and as we plan to plant more churches in Cuba and reach out to serve the Lord in Lebanon. Please pray for us and our vision to teach the “Good News”.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Pastor Fernando Rodriguez, his wife Diana, M.D., his son Fernando, M.D., his daughter-in-law Maday, and his daughter Elizabeth